4 Questions to Ask Before Getting Discharged from the Hospital

Skilled nurse

Your surgery was successful. You’ve stayed at the hospital for 24-hours under observation, and now it’s time for you to go home.

The idea of recovery at home may seem daunting. Here are 4 questions that you can ask your doctor about how to get home care before getting discharged so that your home recovery is successful.

Question 1: Who will support my care as I transition from hospital to my home?

If you don’t have family or friends who can take care of you at home, then you must consider getting in touch with an in-home caregiver service provider like Embassy HomeHealthcare .

The hospital can also assign a case manager or a social worker who can advocate for you to figure out things related to community services and insurance that may be available during your homestay.

They will also visit your home and check whether the environment is safe for you to return home after discharge. This is especially important if you were admitted to the hospital due to an accident at home, like a fall. The case manager will check if the hazard (loose carpeting, cords, clutter, etc.) has been fixed or removed.? Is the air conditioning and heating working?

Are there grab bars in the washroom? The coordination of continued care services and home safety assessment may be important for a safe and smooth transition.

Question 2: What activities should I do and shouldn’t do?

Prior to your discharge, your discharge planner and nurse will assess your mobility. They will assess the progress you’ve made with occupational or physical therapy and evaluate if you can safely walk up and down the stairs in your house. They will also check if you can safely get in and out of a bathtub.

They’ll assess to see how they can prevent post-surgery falls. Can you cook your own meals? If you’ve had an operation, can you reach down and wear your socks? Can you wash your back? Will you require assistance with daily activities?

Understanding physical limitations before getting discharged from the hospital can give you an idea about how to get home care to ensure recovery.

Question 3: Will I have follow-up appointments, and when will they be?

Before you make your transition, it’s vital to be aware of your follow-up appointments. You may be required to visit your GP or a specialist. Depending on your mobility, you may also need to visit your physical therapist. Ask your doctors if these appointments are already made, or you will have to make them on specific dates.

Question 4: Are there any resources for my care at home?

Talk to your social worker or hospital’s discharge planner about the resources to help in your recovery at home. Some of those resources include government agencies on ageing, SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program), and Medicare.gov, where you can compare different services.

Transition with Ease with Our Home Health Care Services

Whether you’re looking for a smooth transition from hospital to your home or looking for an in-home caregiver, our skilled and experienced caregivers can help make the process comfortable. Check out our services and get in touch with us for any healthcare need.